Monthly Archives: November 2010

Handprints ~88 days old

So today, the last day of the Eid vacation, we decided to do something we’ve been putting off… Adding Grae’s handprints to her baby book.

Fascinated by Feet ~88 days old

Recently, Baby G has been completely enthralled by her hands and feet. Today we caught her lifting her feet and staring at her toes for several minutes…

Our Sweet Girl ~88 days old

Our little lovebug.

Morning Happiness ~88 days old

Most mornings begin like this one… Grae smiling and cooing in her crib, letting us know that she is awake and ready to start her day.

Blue Jean Baby ~87 days old

Blue jean Gracen.

Chunky Little Baby Legs ~86 days old

And chubby little toes to match!

Strong Girl ~86 days old

‘Now if I just give myself a little push…’

Pretty Baby :) ~85 days old

Our precious little Gracen Girl.

12 Weeks Old Today ~84 days old

‘I’m such a big girl now.’

Happenin’ Hairdo ~83 days old

Fuzzy little widow’s peak in the front…