Monthly Archives: January 2011

Rainbow Brown ~160 days old

Gracen’s classic ‘ooooooh’ face.

Birdie Baby ~160 days old

Gracen demonstrating one of her many very funny little faces.

Vitamins ~159 days old

Gracen’s bedtime routine includes getting her daily dose of Vitamin D. We’ve done it enough times now that she’s basically taken over the process.

Bucket Baby ~158 days old

‘Mama, why did you put me in a bucket? Babies don’t belong in buckets.’

Fahaheel Fountains ~158 days old

This afternoon we headed out to one of our favourite nearby places, the outdoor patio area of Al-Kout Mall. It’s surprisingly beautiful and clean, and there are lots of yummy places to eat at while enjoying the fountains.

I Heart Saturday Mornings ~158 days old

Grae just lounging. Couldn’t be happier.

Funny Face Friday ~157 days old

Grae’s best skeptical / judging you face. She’s probably thinking, ‘How did I end up with these weird people as my parents?’

Binky Baby ~156 days old

Shortly before her first tooth popped up, we noticed that Grae had an incredible urge to suck… We decided to give her a pacifier to try out, and that was it!

Upside Down Girl ~156 days old

Our little upside down beauty, hanging out with her Papa.

Fish Talk ~155 days old

‘You know… I am a very good listener, Mr. Fishy.’